PNCA CE - Screenprint Course
This last winter, I signed up for a screen printing class through PNCA's Continuing Education program with instructor Yoshihiro Kitai. My husband and I had just bought a house and I had dreams of setting up a washout booth in our garage to be able to have a full screen print set up at home. I felt a little rusty on my skills so I thought a refresher course would be perfect. It has been a few months and the washout booth is still somewhere in the pile of house-projects yet to happen but the class was a blast!
I was so glad to get the opportunity to experiment with different methods of exposing the screen that didn't involve the use of a computer. The digital work was always my least favorite and most time consuming portion of the printing process so I was extremely excited to not be required to go through it this time around. One day I'll get the hang of it, but that day hasn't come yet. Instead, I got to use grease pencils, ink wash, construction paper, and vellum to create the negatives to burn my screens. We also used water soluble crayons and transparent screen printing ink to make monotypes. This was a totally new process for me and it was cool to try something I'd never done before (even if mine weren't super successful).
Not all the prints are as pretty or as polished as I would have liked, but each one was an incredibly valuable learning process. A gallery of images of the prints I made over those 10 weeks are below.